Friday, October 24, 2008

1982 Buick Lesabre Here I Come

Well...It's Official. I am now an eighty year old woman.

A Travis County Trooper pulled me over today for driving too slow. After a warning ticket (and a discussion on the fact that my Louisiana drivers license is illegal since we moved here two years ago), he told me that if I was uncomfortable driving the speed limit, I needed to drive in the right hand lane.

And since I have previously said I am within 10 years of eliminating driving at night all together, Scott is taking me tomorrow to purchase a Rascal Mobility Scooter and some cataract glasses.


adrian seney said...

HaHaHa!!! Too funny.

the Jennings secede from the South said...

Whaaat? That is hilarious! Oh, Mammaw Caroline.

Lora said...

OLDER THAN YOUR FAVORITE MIL-I drove 70+ on back country roads today-of course I WAS escaping the Conville Cousin Reunion! They call that MOTIVATION!